Sometimes during my quiet times of meditation, I think back to what was said or done by me that was thoughtless, misunderstood, or rude. Like everyone else, I've had my bad days. Sometimes in the madding crowds and din of noise, my anxiety and frustration can flare up. A flash of anger, an unkind word spoken, or nothing said at all. So to all hurt and offended, I would like to offer an unequivocal apology.
However, as a Christian, I'm called to higher standard. I am supposed to be witness to the Good News, and the accompanying joy of being a disciple. When I fail, I feel I failed as a someone who told others of the Faith, but did not live up to its promise. I only pray that those I shared with did not become disillusioned with the Christian message for any perceived hypocrisy.
I think of when I lied to avoid embarrassment or shame, cut a corner to get something done, or anything contrary to the commands of God, I would apologize to those I let down. Not to only to God, but those I shared my faith with, and when it mattered, fell short of the mark when you were watching. If anything, the result has been more humility and understanding of other's weaknesses.
Please remember, as much as I want to be a good example, don't confuse the messenger with the Good Message: love, redemption, and a code to live by to please God. When asked how I would like to complete my life when I'm called home, I would like to say that would be "I'm Squaring accounts."
However, as a Christian, I'm called to higher standard. I am supposed to be witness to the Good News, and the accompanying joy of being a disciple. When I fail, I feel I failed as a someone who told others of the Faith, but did not live up to its promise. I only pray that those I shared with did not become disillusioned with the Christian message for any perceived hypocrisy.
I think of when I lied to avoid embarrassment or shame, cut a corner to get something done, or anything contrary to the commands of God, I would apologize to those I let down. Not to only to God, but those I shared my faith with, and when it mattered, fell short of the mark when you were watching. If anything, the result has been more humility and understanding of other's weaknesses.
Please remember, as much as I want to be a good example, don't confuse the messenger with the Good Message: love, redemption, and a code to live by to please God. When asked how I would like to complete my life when I'm called home, I would like to say that would be "I'm Squaring accounts."