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Thursday, February 11, 2016

To be a hero

To be a hero. Not a superhero, with unlimited powers, fearless, and superhuman strength.

Someone a person can look up to.

To always live a life where you don't behave in a way to let people down.

To never call attention to yourself.

To be humble.

That respect of younger people and being a role model means more than gold.

To go beyond what others require, or expect, from you.

Looking out for the other person despite whatever demons you are going through.

Maybe these qualities aren't glamorous, and perhaps no one would go to a comic-con to seek an autograph from such a person. But these heroes are  what we need more of, instead of the video game variety.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

A New FCC Test

The FCC, as part of its regulatory mission, has created a written test for those who use wireless devices. Much like a written test to become a ham radio operator, one must pass  a written test with at least 75 % answers written correctly. Below are some sample questions that applicants must answer  before the FCC will grant a person to obtain a wireless device.

1. If you are in a group of people you came with,

A. Do you talk to them and enjoy their company, or

B. Text other people without acknowledging them.

2. When you receive a call in a restaurant, do you

A. Answer it and talk loudly for an extended period, or

B. Do you answer it and tell them you are in a restaurant and will call them back when you are done.

3. When you are walking about on a nice day, do you:

A. Enjoy the walk and surroundings, or do you

B. Walk ahead while continuously looking at your texts and texting, and never looking ahead, and thereby creating a hazard to yourself and others?

4. When create a ringtone, do you

A. make it least offensive with a soft tone to those around you, or do you
B. Create one that is offensive, annoying and screams "ME!"

5. When you listen to your playlist, do you:

A. Use ear buds to keep the sound to yourself, or do you
B. Play the music out loud, because you feel the need to share you musical taste with everyone in a     two square block area.

The test will be administered at a designated location chosen by the FCC, and those who fail will not be allowed to purchase a device until being able to pass the test. The law requiring the testing will be in effect April 1st.