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Thursday, December 24, 2015

A Christmas Party

Fatigued by the rush of the holiday season, finding the right gifts, as well as the usual frustrations of life, I looked forward to a Christmas party among coworkers. I didn't socialize much with them outside of the workplace, and here was my chance to see them away from their jobs in a social setting, and enjoy a respite of holiday anxiety and depression

It started out small, and I wondered if the turnout would be decent. Slowly, however, more people started arriving, and joyous energy began emerging in a scene of tinsel, pine, and brightly colored Christmas gifts. Everyone started enjoying companionship among each other, and difficulties that arose in a work environment dissipated. I suppose when people have the opportunity to sit down and break bread together, enjoy a refreshment, and talk to one another, you see each other as just people, instead of coworkers, rivals, competitors, Democrats, Republicans, conservatives, or any other label/stereotype you choose to apply. I seen the people there as regular people trying to get by in their lives, instead of people jockeying for better assignments.

In the end we all had a good time, made new memories, reestablished new friendships, and exchanged gifts. All the pettiness and other interpersonal nonsense eventually melted away. Perhaps if everyone else could join together over a meal and talk, it could address some of our worse problems.