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Monday, October 26, 2015

What Are Churches Really For?

Churches are for believers; following Christ is a marathon, not a sprint, and believers need to be spiritually fed. That's why I'm skeptical of "seeker sensitive" churches that seem to cater to visitors at the expense of the true substance of walking with Christ: sacrifice, atonement, sin, and service. We should be careful that in our earnestness to attract unbelievers the true Message of His redemption is not lost, and that the true purpose of the Church is not to ultimately fill pews. While we must fulfill the Great Commission, as individuals and as organized bodies, spiritual growth of believers must not be shortchanged.

Two of the fastest growing religions today are Islam and Mormonism. They do not compromise their beliefs, or engage in excessive marketing. When you arrive to worship, the is no doubt you have arrived at a mosque/temple, and that's what they call them, not some New Age sounding name like "Mountain". Despite strict beliefs, such as abstaining from alcohol, they do not seem to lack in new adherents. Contrast that to attendance in a mainline Protestant church. They are clearly finding people that are looking for something rarely offered by anyone else.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

We've Lost the Librarians

On a visit to library one day, I heard some jovial and loud talk up by the counter front. Upon looking, I noticed that one of the main culprits was the librarian, and this was not an isolated incident for her or other coworkers. Now, I always expected librarians to be guardians of silence in an increasingly world of cacophony of cellphones, iPods, loud talk, and other intrusions into our sanctuary of silence among us book lovers.

Now, understand, that this is hardly a scientific study with a large control group to take a sample from. It 's just a casual observation in one library, and for all I know, it has always been that way. Perhaps a library is just a reflection of the community and its customs. But I like to think that, no matter where it is located, a library will have some universal standard of etiquette, such as respect for other patrons that actually like to go to the library to read, study, and just the pleasure of discovering a new book.

Unfortunately to some people, a library is now a place to hang out, sign out a tape or video, work on a computer, and occasionally to read an actual book. It was supposed to be a sanctuary of stillness in a world of ringtones and cellphone chatter. Now it seemed to join the chorus.

Today, a library seems like a quaint and archaic institution where information is literally
But if we've lost the librarians, us lovers of pages of literature are in trouble.


In industry, they have a process call "benchmarking," where a competitor's product is compared with the product of the home company. Specs and technology are compared to see how they rate with the other guy. The reason is to keep up with the competition, and maybe learn something new to better them.

Unfortunately, we do the same thing ourselves: compare one another to see how successful, better looking, how many degrees, more money, you name the benchmark. Instead of appreciating the differences of others, we take superficial factors and see how they stack against others. More often than not, it is to make us look better, and almost take a perverse pleasure in seeing someone's downfall to make our self image better.

Maybe we can become better, and not just look better, by lifting others up that need it.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Introverts in Church, Again

I read something about some people can't stand the socializing and introductions that go on in church. As and introvert myself, I have to admit I am not thrilled about it, either. I will get plenty of introductions to people whose names I will instantly forget, and probably questions about my salvation and church life. Suddenly surrounded my a group of strangers and asking a lot of questions is something I secretly cringe at.

One day, though, I received an epiphany about it. There are many hurting and lonely people out there who would love recognition, a smile, or a simple hello from someone, and that could be you someday. When someone wants to introduce themselves and offer their friendship, take it with the spirit in which its intended. I guess the only thing worse than people wanting to talk to you, are people who let you leave church without a second thought. You never know if it might be the last time someone will reach out to you.

Be Careful, Someone is Listening

One day at a fast food restaurant, I appeared angry, although I didn't say anything, due to a long line. An attendant noticed this, and stated: " We're doing the best we can, sir!" Embarrassed and chastised, I sulked away after I got my order. It got me thinking that people are watching and listening when we don't think they are. Our behavior is our witness, not just our words. Be careful when you want to be an example of Christian behavior. It is not always praying in public, when we call attention to ourselves and our careful with our words, but in the everyday world of day to day affairs. Be careful, someone is watching, and not only God.

One More Day

There is an apocryphal story of a frustrated actress who jumped off the Hollywoodland sign because of not being able to get the parts she wanted from directors. After killing herself, a casting director called wanting her for a major role, not knowing she committed suicide. One more day could have led to a long and fulfilling life, as well as a possible flourishing movie career where she could have enthralled millions of people.

One more day. You just don't know what will come tomorrow. It may be the day you do something great, achieve a dream, perform a goal, or help someone change their life (or just helping them get through the day themselves). Life is a precious treasure by God, and given with a purpose with unique gifts. When the storm clouds of life appear, reach out to someone, seek help, and pray. Remember, just one more day can make all the difference between the end and becoming what God's purpose for you as well as others. One more day.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

From the Balcony

I watched a string quartet alone from a balcony. Amidst the noise and hubbub of the frantic day, a brief interlude watching the violinists and cello player reminds me there is still a quietness and culture left in this world, if only we can seek it out.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Let's Start a Community

Checking the stats, I see I hit the 1,000 viewer mark. They come from Canada to Indonesia, and France to Russia. Maybe a modest amount compared to super blogs, but not bad for a guy from Northwest Pennsylvania.

I see from my stats on Google people from all over the world viewing the blog.  It would be great to hear from my international audience for their unique take on my posts as well as fellow Americans. I wonder though how many, if any at all, come back and regularly check for new posts. But I would like to state how much I appreciate everyone logging in and seeing my viewpoint on various topics, and would love to hear from all of you, too! Drop me a message of what you think, and what you like and don't like. I'm open to constructive criticism.

Book mark this site and check back. Please give me feedback and encouragement about what you like or don't like. Suggest what I can offer to sell, such as "Night Watch" merchandise like caps and tee shirts, and comment on a post. Let's start a "Night Watch" community.

What is Your Epiphany?

My friend Doug once said when he had a question about something spiritual, he would go to a secluded spot and pray to God he called "Dad." One night, being perplexed about a question, he gazed at the sky and asked for an answer. It was then a shooting star blazed across the sky, as if to tell him everything would be alright in the end.

What is you epiphany, or "Road to Damascus" moment? Did you have a question, or desire, that was overwhelming and you thought that there was no answer, only to have a response to it decidedly made? Maybe it was a question on the Bible; was it true. Or philosophical in nature. Whatever it was, was an answer given to you that, at least somewhat, answered your question?

 Someday, all questions and needs will be answered, so we can use this time on this side of Eternity on earth to appreciate the Universe of wonders to answers left to be delivered. I love serving a God that gives us a quest to always keep learning more and using faith
to rely on.

Birthday: A Remembrance

I had a friend I grew up with I reconnected with recently. He then decided to friend me on Facebook page, which I accepted. A few months later, I sadly find out he passed away of natural causes. Weeks later, his Facebook account gave me a notification of his birthday, and I was struck by it suddenness and irony. We live on now not just in pictures and memories, but now in a digital realm as well. In this sphere we can create the person we want to be by projecting our selves they way we want to.

Is that all we'll leave behind in the future, a social media account that records our milestones and accomplishments?

As the message came up, I looked into a picture, and seen a happy man who did not know of his impending fate. Accepting his message of friendship on social media was all I did, and wish I reached out back to him. Never take gestures of friendship for granted.