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Sunday, December 3, 2023

Summer's End

On a warm Saturday night, I decided to attend a local festival as the last throes os summer were set to disappear into the chilly fall.I walked by the food stands of kettle corn, cotton candy, and funnel cake and enjoying their aroma. Walking through the crowd, families stroled by as found a lone place to smoke a cigar. Over the years, I have found I can enjoy the gathering of people as I watch from afar, and vicariously participating in the joy of the day. A rock oldies band started to play as everyone enjoyed the music and the day slowly turned into twilight as a harvest moon eventually appeared. Nestled in the heart of the Alleghenies, there was a feeling of warmth and safety around our loved ones and neighbors. Later, on a Sunday after an evening service as the days of August were winding down, our church gathered for a softball game. It was a day of fun, a gathering of families and friends enjoying the waning day before sunset, and knowing that fall lay ahead the days of summer warmth just a memory.